HH Race Team
2024/2025 Practice Schedule
Tuesdays: 6-8pm (all age groups)
Wednesdays: 6-8pm (all age groups)
Thursdays (beginning January, 9th): 6:30-8pm (U12 and + only)
Sundays: 9-11am (U14 +) 10am-12pm (U12 and under) 10:30am to 12:30 pm (Get in the Gates)
The Heiliger Huegel Junior Race Team (HHRT) is designed and supported by the United States Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) and models the principles of growth, development and maturation through the USSA “SKILLS QUEST” lesson plan and years of successful coaching experience. Hundreds of athletes and families have participated in our program with the end results of learning to love skiing and ski racing.
The HHRT is a Bronze Level Club, certified by the USSA. Through this certification program, USSA works closely with the HHRT to create a platform for success. The podium level certification process involves ensuring our race program has the best principles and practices established for our athletes.
Our team teaches the fundamentals of learning to ski by becoming stronger in the areas of agility, balance, coordination and ski terrain smarts. Most important of all, we strive to have our young athletes have fun on skis. We provide quality coaching and programming to all of our HHRT members.
The HHRT is a participant in the MidWest Alpine Racing (MWAR) Program, United States Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) Program and International Ski Federation (FIS). MWAR is a local recreational ski racing program involving 5 southeast Wisconsin ski teams and close to 450 athletes ages 4- 19. The MWAR race teams are: Heiliger Huegel, SWAT, Lakers, Ausblick and Parks. There are 6 local races held on Saturdays in January and February followed by a Spring Fling and WIJARA race.
2024-2025 Race Team Programming levels
*Get into The Gates* program Ages 6 to 11
Get into the gates is a Sunday Only program is designed for athletes 6 and older, who are new to ski racing who are interested in learning basic fundamentals of ski racing but are not interested in racing at this time. This program will focus on the basic fundamentals of skiing in preparation for your child to develop into a ski racer. Get into the Gates program starts on Sunday January 5th and runs for 6 weeks. This program does not include any MWAR race participation. Get Into the Gates athletes are welcome to participate in the annual HHRT DEVO cup race at HH on Sunday February 16th.
Get into the Gates is for young skiers that are capable of making controlled parallel turns and MUST be able to ride the chairlift alone. Get into the gates athletes are REQUIRED to have a parent ski with them during each practice session. Questions? Contact Jane Segerdahl at 414-964-8970 or email janeseger@aol.com.
Training Schedule: Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Class U8-U12 Ages 6 to 11
Youngsters in this age range are learning the fundamentals of skiing and may or may not be interested in racing. As a coaching staff we believe that strong racers come from strong skiers and in turn we address all of the basic fundamentals of skiing before a child becomes a ski racer. Our coaches provide a fun atmosphere as your children develop skiing techniques while participating in training drills and training courses. Each U12 and under athlete will have to pass and ability evaluation during Christmas Camp and on the first two Sundays of practice from 11am-12pm. The evaluations will include loading and unloading the chairlift, controlled stops and controlled skiing on their own. We encourage all U8-U12 athletes to participate in the MWAR league but is not a requirement. Questions? Contact Jane Segerdahl at 414-964-8970 or email janeseger@aol.com.
Training Schedule:
Sunday Mornings 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday Nights 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (check with U8-U12 coaches)
Wednesday Nights 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (check with U8-U12 coaches)
Class U14-U20 Ages 12 to 18
While still focusing on proper, fundamental skiing techniques, we focus on racing techniques and Slalom and Giant Slalom tactics. Progression is achieved through drills and running training courses. Class U20-U14 racers are encouraged to race in the WJR league, but for those who wish to aspire to the next level of the sport are able to compete in the Central Division of the United States Ski Association (USSA) and the International Ski Federation (FIS). The HH race team is pleased to offer both options to our developing junior racers. With further questions regarding MWAR, contact Mark Monkoski at 414-510-6649, monk@hhskiclub.com.
Training Schedule:
· Sunday Mornings 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
· Tuesday Nights 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
· Wednesday Nights 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
· Thursday Nights 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Only on H.S. Racing evenings)
Join our race team!
HH Ski Club members looking to join the race team are able to sign up online, click the link below to sign up today!